Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello from 'Kansas"

Well, Kansas is not home - for me! I HATE it here. They're all hicks in this state. Don't even know how to make a apt where the furnace works correctly!!

Andy's in the U.S. Army and home from 'George's' war. At least for another year!! Over there sticking our nose where it doesn't belong = for some fictitious terrorist problems - when it was all created by George and Dick so they can get Mr. Hussein. Now we have a 'president' who cannot be trusted - a secret muslin, he is!! Wonder when the suicide bombings will be happening!!

Keeping track of time - need to get Alexis up for school. Just hope she won't cause a big problem with fussing, and a meltdown.

I'm retired and HATE it.

Operation Write Home

Operation Write Home

Love someone with Autism

Love someone with Autism

Alexis - age 6

Kassidy - age 3 (Ornery)

Constance (Connie) 18