Saturday, May 22, 2010

Once again I've been MIA with my daily postings. It has been a l-o-n-g week. But productive as well. I finished sewing the siggy squares, signing them and heat setting and all put in a zip lock baggie ready to be mailed this next Wednesday.

I have three bloomers, and three aprons cut out and sitting there ready for me to sew. Have one more dress to cut out and than these three dolls will be finished.

I have a start on another quilt for the Art in the Park Craft sales.

Going to Tennessee this afternoon, but I don't have the extra cash so will bring along a book to read. Finished the library book last night so will return it Monday.

Back to my other blog to check on the goings of bloggers I keep up with. Later.

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Operation Write Home

Operation Write Home

Love someone with Autism

Love someone with Autism

Alexis - age 6

Kassidy - age 3 (Ornery)

Constance (Connie) 18