Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good morning .... on another hot day.  It's already 72 degrees and 7:10 a.m. in the morning.  Didn't get to bed until 12:30 a.m. so it's going to be a day to catch up with sleep, I guess.

I have 16 more days and than travel to Kansas City, MO where I will be picked up by daughter-in-law and granddaughters for a months' visit there. 

Than come back and become over-whelmed with all I have to finish b/4 Art Sunday.  Hopefully, with all the preparation for this craft thingie, I will sell alot of dolls. 

Ellie done quite well with the Tennessee scratchies yesterday .. me ... I didn't play.... didn't have the extra cash even though the collection agency in California for Verizon Wireless returned my check, voided and marked paid in full.... whoooooohooooooooo.  One down, and many more to go.


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Operation Write Home

Operation Write Home

Love someone with Autism

Love someone with Autism

Alexis - age 6

Kassidy - age 3 (Ornery)

Constance (Connie) 18